Union[anndata._core.anndata.AnnData, mudata._core.mudata.MuData], n: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None, nucleosome_free_upper_bound: int = 147, mononuleosomal_upper_bound: int = 294, barcodes: Optional[str] = None)#

Computes the ratio of nucleosomal cut fragments to nucleosome-free fragments per cell. Nucleosome-free fragments are shorter than 147 bp while mono-mucleosomal fragments are between 147 bp and 294 bp long.

  • data – AnnData object with peak counts or multimodal MuData object with ‘atac’ modality.

  • n – Number of fragments to count. If None, 1e4 fragments * number of cells.

  • nucleosome_free_upper_bound – Number of bases up to which a fragment counts as nucleosome free. Default: 147

  • mononuleosomal_upper_bound – Number of bases up to which a fragment counts as mononuleosomal. Default: 294

  • barcodes – Column name in the .obs of the AnnData with barcodes corresponding to the ones in the fragments file.